Tuesday, September 01, 2020

#100DaysOfClojure : (+ Day [2] Tools)

Today was a busy and tiring day, so I decided to keep it light and explore the tools available for Clojure. The first tool of importance is Leiningen. It is a build automation and dependency management tool for the Clojure programming language written in Clojure itself. It integrates well with Maven repositories and the Clojars repository for Clojure libraries.  On an Apple Mac you can install Leiningen very easily using homebrew.

Leiningen provides the following automated tasks to name a few:

  1. The ability to create projects
  2. Compile and package projects
  3. Run projects
  4. Run tests
  5. And more….

There is an alternative build tool called boot, but delving into that is for another day...

Once that was installed I thought I would look for an editor that is Clojure aware and there are a few options in no specific order

  1. Emacs with Cider plugin
  2. Atom with nrepl
  3. Cursive plugin for IntelliJ
  4. Nightcode
  5. Counterclockwise a plugin for Eclipse
  6. Vim with plugins
  7. Light table
  8. SublimeText with SublimeREPL
  9. Netbeans Clojure
  10. VS Code with Calva plugin

I haven’t decided which editor to go with yet, I will leave that for day 3. 

(println “Bye 4 Now”)  

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