My apologies, as fun as Clojure is, I managed to drag myself away and took a 2 day break. Today I will look at recursion in Clojure. First let's I will look at recursion as used in most non functional languages where the function is called within the function(the function calls itself). But this usually only works up to the size of the stack frame. Lets look at a factorial function as a recursive example (The N at the end of the number just lets Clojure REPL know that it is a Clojure BigInt)
(defn n! [n]
(if (<= n 1) 1 (* n (n! (- n 1)) )))
=> #'leinproj.core/n!
(n! 4N)
=> 24N
(n! 40N)
=> 815915283247897734345611269596115894272000000000N
(n! 400N)
(n! 4000N)
Execution error (StackOverflowError) at leinproj.core/n! (form-init10068916269700534711.clj:2).
In order to overcome the stack frame limits Clojure includes a recur function that does a tail call optimisation. The same factorial function can be implemented as follows
(defn n!-with-recur [n]
(loop [value n total 1]
(if (= value 1)
(recur (dec value) (* total value)))))
=> #'leinproj.core/n!-with-recur
(n!-with-recur 4N)
=> 24N
(n!-with-recur 40N)
=> 815915283247897734345611269596115894272000000000N
(n!-with-recur 400N)
(n!-with-recur 4000N)
Using 4000 in this case did not result in a stack overflow error, but instead its factorial was calculated. recur is typically used with a loop function which binds values and acts like a let.
A side note is that Clojure provides better ways to calculate a factorial, but the factorial was a simple way to look at recursion in Clojure, but is not the best way to do it.
Tomorrow I will look at exception handling in Clojure as the last of the flow control mechanisms.
(println “Bye 4 Now!”)
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