Wednesday, September 02, 2020

#100DaysOfClojure (Day [3] IntelliJ + Cursive)

With the wide variety of editors/ides available, it was a difficult decision to make. So how did I make this decision you ask? I made the decision based on the quality of the documentation and my familiarity with the editor. Hence I chose IntelliJ and the Cursive plugin. Cursive provide 3 licenses, personal, commercial and non-commercial. Since I am only using it to learn Clojure, I chose the non-commercial licence which is a free 6 month renewable licence.

Getting it up and running was as easy as following the cursive documentation. 
I created a leiningen project which created a folder structure and file with a defined function foo which prints the infamous Hello World message. I loaded the file into the REPL environment and called the function in the REPL input window

(foo "Ahmed Chicktay says ")

Which resulted in 

Ahmed Chicktay says  Hello, World!
=> nil

Here is an image of the entire development environment

Tomorrow I will look at Clojure literals and if time permits, some of its collections.    

(println “Bye 4 Now”) 

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