Saturday, September 05, 2020

#100DaysOfClojure (Day [6] Functions Continued)

Today I am continuing with 3 more useful function concepts: How to define functions, anonymous functions and using apply with functions

Functions can be defined in two ways:

(defn name [params] (body))

(def name (fn [params] (body))

 defn is a macro (which I get to some time in the future) doing both a def and fn

The next useful concept is anonymous functions which have a shortened form #() and parameters are specified with a % symbol. Example:

(#(println %) "Hello World!")
Hello World!
=> nil

 You can also use the apply functions on function for each parameter, for example

(apply + '(1 2 3 4))  ; applies the + function on all the values in the list
=> 10

That's all on functions, tomorrow I will look at collections

(println "Bye 4 Now!")

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