Monday, August 31, 2020

#100DaysOfClojure : (#Day [1] Intro)

I guess you wondering why I chose Clojure as a language to learn as a 100 days of code challenge. Well, functional programming has always intrigued me, but I never could find the time to tinker with it. On discovering that Clojure was designed by Rich Hickey, someone whom I knew understood simplicity, I figured it would be the perfect language to learn from the vast functional ocean. And when you can’t find the time, you have to make the time, so here I am hoping to see out my hundred days. 

My journey started following my usual process: searching duckduckgo for Clojure which led me to this wonderful site: which has everything one needs to get going. I did some reading on the language to create a mental context and find a starting point to get some running code. 

Clojure is a dynamic general purpose programming language hosted on the Java Virtual Machine (JVM). It is a functional programming language with special features for dealing with concurrency and also a dialect of Lisp. 

My goal for the day is to run the iconic Hello World app of course. I opened a Terminal on a Mac and checked that I have java installed and then used brew to install Clojure. The instructions on the Clojure website are very easy to follow and within minutes I had the REPL up and running

Yippee, that was easy enough for today. I will now spend some time reading The Joy of Clojure…

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