Monday, May 20, 2013

Foray into the Javascript Universe

I have been developing software using static typed languages for 30+ years. However in recent years I have become very curious about dynamic, interpreted and untyped languages, so I dabbled a little with ruby, perl and javascript. They contained interesting concepts and they seemed like nice toys to play with. They provided powerful but yet quick and dirty ways of doing something in code.

As the web has developed over the last few years I began to see more and more javascript all over the internet and I can surely say it has become ubiquitous. 3 months ago I started a project for a client which motivated my serious foray in to the javascript universe. I found a language which is small and simple but yet large and complicated. I found the javascript universe without much standards, weak development tools and weak debugging tools and yet infatuated with its dynamism and expressive powers.

I love it, I hate it, I cannot ignore it and I cannot stay away from it. I am drawn to it like a bee to a flower.....Over the next few months I will capture my adventure....Watch this space!!!!

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